Welcome to Mowbray Public School
This page will provide you with essential information about starting your educational journey at Mowbray Public School.
Starting school is a significant event in the life of children and their families. At Mowbray Public School, we believe that strong relationships and information sharing between families, early childhood settings and school help support your child's successful transition.
More information about enrolling in a NSW government school can be found here.
Transition and Orientation Program
Our Kindergarten Orientation program is designed to support families and students during the transition from preschool to primary school.
Welcome Pack
This will provide you with all the information that you will need for a successful start to school. Please take note of the following forms that need to be returned:
· Student Information (pink form)
· Language Information (green form)
· Special Religious Education and Special Education in Ethics Participation
If your child has special needs, or requires additional support, please contact the school via email or phone so that we can talk with you about these needs.
These forms can be returned in person to the school office or emailed by the end of November. For emailed forms please include title ‘Kindergarten Orientation’ and send to: mowbray-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
New students to Mowbray Public School who need a school Opal card or travel pass should apply as soon as enrolment is accepted. The School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS) gives eligible students free or subsidised travel between home and school on NSW public transport. Sydney buses operate one dedicated school service each morning and afternoon for Mowbray Public School. The dedicated route is 'SCHOOL 630' in the morning and 'SCHOOL 638' in the afternoon. Apply for a school travel pass or school Opal card on the Transport NSW website.
Best Start Kindergarten Assessment
Best Start Assessments will be completed before Kindergarten students start school. A booking system letter will be placed in the Enrolment Pack for you to book online. Best Start Kindergarten Assessment is a state‑wide assessment that helps teachers identify the literacy and numeracy skills of each student at the beginning of Kindergarten.
School Stream
School Stream is used to communicate events, submit permission and absence forms. Instructions on how to download School Stream app can be found here.
After downloading the School Stream app, go to the School Information folder to read important information about the school, such as our SRE and SEE programs and to find the location of the start of the year permission forms.
Uniforms can be purchased through Pickles. Second hand uniforms are sold at P&C events during the year. Please ensure you label all articles of clothing.
Out of School Care
There are two providers on-site: CubbyHouse and Primary OSHcare.
Please note: they have a break over the December/January holidays. Vacation Care is available during the school holidays. Recommendation: If you require a space, book as soon as possible!