Mowbray Public School

Together is better

Telephone02 9428 3200

Financial contributions and assistance

There are some costs associated with going to school that you may find it helpful to plan and budget for.

Costs to consider include:

  • uniforms

  • school books and equipment

  • excursions

  • extra-curricular activities.

School fees

School fees are payable each term to cover the costs of extra activities such as excursions and other special events. In most cases these fees are invoiced during the term within which the event occurs.

All payments should be sent in an envelope clearly marked with your child's name and class, and what the payment is for. Unfortunately we cannot provide change.

Payments may be made by cash, cheque, credit card or direct deposit. When paying by direct deposit, please include your child's name and reason for payment.

Online payments

Please read the instructions for parents (PDF 629KB) on using the parent online payments (POP) system to make payments, and the parent and carer frequently asked questions (PDF 70KB). If you have any questions after reading them, please contact the school office.

Voluntary school contributions

Like all NSW public schools, we can request contributions to enhance our educational and sporting programs including elective subjects. School contributions help provide additional educational resources for the benefit of students. Payment is voluntary.

For more information, visit the Voluntary School Contribution policy.

Our school's Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) actively raise funds each year to support the educational programs of the school. At the beginning of each year, we normally send out a request for parent contributions to the P&C and library fund. These donations can be made at any time, but are normally collected in Term 1.

Financial assistance

If you are unable to pay school contributions because of financial hardship, you may be eligible for assistance from the school.

Our principal will ensure no student or family suffers any discrimination or embarrassment over the inability to pay school contributions.