Absences from School
Absence forms are found on SchoolBytes.
Acronyms - School and Department of Education
- COLA - Covered Outdoor Learning Area
- SRC - Student Representative Council
- P&C - Parents and Citizens Association
- EAL/D - English as an Additional Language/Dialect
- LaST - Learning and Support Teacher
- POP - Parent Online Payments (used for school fees)
- SLSO - School Learning and Support Officer
- SAM - School Administrative Managers
- SAO - School Administrative Officer
- PSSA - Public School Sports Association
- RFF - Relief from Face-to-Face teaching
- NAPLAN - National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (test sat in Years 3 & 5)
- Early Stage 1 - Kindergarten
- Stage 1 - Years 1 and 2
- Stage 2 - Years 3 and 4
- Stage 3 - Years 5 and 6
- KLA – key learning areas (subjects taught in all Department of Education schools)
After school Care
There are two providers on-site: CubbyHouse and Primary OSHcare
The providers can be visited on-site. Please note: they have a break over the December/January holidays.
Vacation Care is available during the school holidays.
Students collect tokens – tokens are given as a reward in class. Students place their tokens in their sports house token collector for a team building award.
Blue awards are handed out each week. After collecting five Blue Awards, students can hand them in at the main office to receive a Gold Award at the next stage assembly.
Each group of five Blue Awards are redeemed for a Gold Award.
Five Gold Awards are redeemed for a banner.
Bus travel
School Opal cards are available for children who qualify, for more information visit the Opal.
It is important that students ‘tap-on’ and ‘tap-off’ the bus to have accurate numbers for the bus company.
The school bus picks up from Mowbray Road every afternoon and drops students off every morning in Hatfield Street (adjacent to the school oval).
The school bus number is 630 (morning) and 683 (afternoon) if you would like to view the route.
Class Parents
A parent in each class is asked to volunteer to be the class parent. This roles works with the P&C to communicate information.
The class parent does not approach the teacher with concerns on behalf of other parents.
Communication is by SchoolBytes (mobile App). Access Instructions from a Phone or desktop can be found here.
SchoolBytes can be accessed from multiple devices
Other forms of communication include:
- School Newsletter – available on the school website each fortnight
- Front sign board – alerts to upcoming events
Kindergarten Best Start Assessment
Information will be sent to all new Kindergarten students with details of how to book a time for your child's Kindergarten Best Start Assessment in mid-December.
Lost Property
Lost items are placed in lost property tubs. Items are sorted twice per term and if possible, labelled items are return to the child’s class.
Unlabelled items are sold at the Second Hand Uniform Sales.
Lunch Orders
Ordering is done through Flexi Schools, where you will need to create an account. The canteen is available every day of the week.
Lunch orders start in Week 3 or 4 in Term 1 and continue for the school year.
P&C - What is the Parent & Citizen Association - P&C?
The P&C is a parent and community group of Mowbray Public School parents and carers. Anyone can join the Mowbray P&C - they meet twice per term.
The P&C is involved in:
- Welcome BBQ – Wvent for all families at the beginning of each school year
- Fundraising events
- Student music program (band and strings)
- Environment committee
- Canteen
- 2nd hand uniform sales
- School uniform shop – Pickles
- P&C Facebook Page (only current parents can join)
- Working Bee – where parents/carers volunteer to maintain the school grounds, e.g. gardening.
The main entrance to the school on Mowbray Road is a 'KISS AND DROP ZONE' only. For more information on kiss and drop zones, visit Centre for Road Safety.
Some extra tips:
- Stop to drop off or pick up your child for a maximum of 2 minutes only
- Drivers must remain in (or within 3 metres of) vehicle. - SCHOOL ZONES have a 40km/h limit - in operation between 8:00am-9:30am and 2:30pm-4:00pm.
- Cubbyhouse carpark: please do not park in the Cubbyhouse turning circle.
- Please take note of the restricted/timed parking in surrounding side streets. These areas may be patrolled.
- Please do NOT park across any of our neighbours’ driveways.
NOTE: Traffic offences can incur a heavy fine. For more information visit Road and Maritimes Service.
Requirements List
Lists of school stationery requirements are given at the end of each year (Kindergarten in the first week)
Scholastic Book Club
Students will receive catalogues a couple of times per term and parents/carers can order if they wish.
School times
Students must not be onsite before 8:40am.
8:40am - 9:10am teacher supervision in the playground.
9:10am - 3:10pm school day.
At 3:10pm, all children should be colllected by a parent/carer.
Term Dates
Term dates can be found here through the Department of Education.
The first two days of Term 1 and Term 2, the first day of Term 3 are staff development days (staff only).
Uniform shop – Pickles
Second Hand Uniforms are sold at P&C events during the year.
Please label EVERYTHING!
Labels can be found at www.brightstarkids.com.au at checkout nominate Mowbray Public School and the P&C will receive 15% of the order.
Summer uniform is Term 1 & 4, Winter is Term 2 & 3. Please make appropriate adjustments for weather.
Parent volunteers for many different types of activities and classroom support is encouraged. If you would like to volunteer, please contact your child’s class teacher and the P&C info@mowbraypandc.org.au
You can also volunteer to teach Ethics (an alternative to religious education classes). For more information visit Primary Ethics.