The bring your own device (BYOD) arrangement allows students to bring their own computer or tablet to school for use during lessons.
This has several advantages such as allowing the student to use a familiar device, allowing a personalised setup of folders and shortcuts and simplifying the process of continuing activities started at school whilst at home.
Making the most of these benefits depends on getting the BYOD to reliably connect to the school network. There are a some simple snags to overcome to achieve this and a few points are laid out below.
Almost any modern laptop can be used as a BYOD at Mowbray Public School. Windows 10 is required.
Please ensure that your child's device is turned on at home and then restarted to install any updates. This, along with forgotten passwords, accounts for the vast majority of connection issues.
Since students work with Google G Suite applications they will get the best results if the Chrome browser is installed and set as default.
McAfee Parental Controls on some HP laptops conflict with the school's filtered internet browsing (FIB) proxy setup. The FIB blocks unsuitable material so parental controls can and should be turned off at school.
Some settings require an administrator account whilst parents often set up a restricted account for their child. In this case, where possible, instructions on the required settings changes will be sent home for the parent to apply.
Please ensure your child's device is fully charged before school as access to power points to plug in a charger is restricted in the classrooms.
Choice magazine recently published a guide with general information on choosing a BYOD. You can read it via the choice BYOD guide.
If you need any further information you can email the school at
Find more details in the Student Use of Digital Devices and Online Servces Procedure for 2024.
Please read and sign the parent and student agreement before bringing your device into school.
Free student software
The Department of Education provides students with access to Google Apps for Education and Office 365 through the Student Portal.
To install Adobe Creative Cloud visit the website, and follow the instructions. You will need to register using your school email address.